Devil’s Branch for solo baritone saxophone


Devil’s Branch for solo baritone saxophone.
Performed by Athanasios Zervas.
Composed by Eric Honour.

Program Note:
“Devil’s Branch” is the name of a small stream near the town where I work. Each day, when I drive to work, I cross a bridge over Devil’s Branch just before I exit the highway and enter the town. In some ways, it reminds me of Orpheus crossing the river Styx to enter the realm of Hades. The music in Devil’s Branch plays off this trope, beginning mysteriously and then spinning beyond control into a furious roar before fading away.

Performance note 1: In the sections using “stems-up/stems-down” notation, the performer is to play the “stems-up” notes. While holding the note, the player presses the single key associated with the “stems-down” notes, in the exact rhythm shown. These false fingerings change the timbre and/or intonation of the sounding pitch. (Note: this is described in more detail in the score; feel free to contact me if you would like a copy.)

Recorded in Athens, Greece on July 7, 2015.
Eric Honour, recording engineer
Royer SF-24 – Metric Halo 2882DSP – Logic

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